Saturday, August 26, 2006

Choo$ing the right Word$

Joen and I decided before that we should make it clear on our reception card that we are unable to accept gifts in kind because we will be flying back to the US a week after the wedding. So earlier this year, I asked my dear friend Joan Florido to come up with the right text to put in the card. This was what she came up with.

"We are honored to have you share in our love and happiness, and will look back at your presence on this day fondly as we bring back with us all the good wishes, thoughtful gifts and unforgettable memories when we go back to the United States shortly after our wedding."

This was ok until Joen and I revisited this issue last week. This was what we came up with:

"We are unable to receive gifts in kind as we are immediately going back to the US after the wedding. We will look back at your presence on this day fondly as we bring back with us all the good wishes, thoughtful gifts and unforgettable memories. Thank you."

Again, I went to Jown for help and told her that Joen wanted the text to be more specific in case, and it happens often, guests don't "get it." So this was what Joan came up with, in jest of course:

"We are unable to receive gift$ in kind a$ we are immediately going back to the U$ after the wedding. We will look back at your pre$ence on thi$ day fondly a$ we bring back with u$ all the good wishe$, thoughtful gift$ and unforgettable memorie$. Thank you"

HAHAHA!! I love Joan! SPOT ON!


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