Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Life is like a Vintage Box of Chocolates

Ok. So ever since we got back home, I haven't been able to find the perfect wedding box to stash all our keepsakes in. I went to Target, Walmart, etc and didn't find anything. Then yesterday, at Michaels, I found THE box to have. Ta-dah!!!

These are all the stuff I've had sitting on Hoen's La-z-Boy for a month and that's the box. A vintage-y looking chocolate truffles box that looks like it came straight out of an Antiques Roadshow auction. Haha! Me loving it, me buying it, me using it. =)))

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Not quite done

Let me just say that up until now, there are still a lot of wedding pictures I haven't seen! I just found dozens of really good ones and I wasn't able to upload them! Ugh. I hate being lazy uploading and burning pictures. But most of all, I hate hating it.