Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Reception venues

My choices were Casino EspaƱol, the Marriott, and Marco Polo which had not yet opened by the month of February. It was important that we decide right away where to dine after the ceremony because the wedding month being December is a very, if not, the most eventful month for the whole year. I really like Casino's food but after talking to my cousin who just had her wedding there on how she was having a hard time changing since there was no Bridal Suite. Or on how her relatives dabbed make-up on her inside the car for the same reason. I thought about it and thought about it, and Tisha of WeddingsbyBliss sent us stuff to look at. Menus, price ranges, amenities. It seemed that the Marriott had done this thing for so long that they practically offered more than a few stuff for free, including the cake. Not that I would want it but it only shows their knowledge on running these types of affairs.

So after much emailing back and forth and after Hoen and I sitting down and deciding the budget which would be greatly attributed to the number of guests, we went with the Marriott Hotel. There will be a Bridal Suite for one so that is one hair off my face. I am not so worried anymore about the fact that I know so many people who have had their events held there. I didn't care anymore that I associate the Marriott with work still because when I was still with HPS, I was holding an event there practically every month. I just wanted something simple, accessible, affordable (hence, no to Shang) and familiar ( hence, no to Marco Polo. Had no idea how good or bad they were going to be since they had not yet opened). Month of April, we sent the downpayment over and after about six revisions (believe me, the contract wasn't as crystal clear as I thought it would be), Tisha forwarded to us the final draft the month of May and we gave her our blessing to sign it for us. Yehey!! We finally don't have the place reserved but it was booked. BOOKED AND LOCKED.

Now, on to other things...


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